Murtazaliev vs Fortea Fight 110219

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Boxers Bakhram Murtazaliev, Russia and Jorge Fortea, Spain, fight during their IBF Super Welterweight Title eliminator bout at the MGM Grand Garden on November 2, 2019 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Murtazaliev won a unanimous decision  after 12 rounds.  Referee was Jay Nady. (Photo John Gurzinski/
Boxers Bakhram Murtazaliev, Russia and Jorge Fortea, Spain, fight during their IBF Super Welterweight Title eliminator bout at the MGM Grand Garden on November 2, 2019 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Murtazaliev won a unanimous decision after 12 rounds. Referee was Jay Nady. (Photo John Gurzinski/
Filename: murtazaliev_fortea_fight_0320_110219.jpg